We are happy to announce that St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church has been selected to host a one-day event that honors and reverences the 1st-class relics of St. Jude Thaddeus on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. This is part of a national tour of the relics that is slowly making its way among certain parishes across the United States.
The relic will be available for veneration in the church beginning at 2:00pm. Veneration will be suspended during a very special Mass beginning at 7:00pm and will resume after Mass until 10:00pm. Be aware that veneration will stop one hour before Mass and resume when Mass ends. Mass is expected to be 2 hours long.
Our homilist will be Fr. Carlos Martins, the director of Treasures of the Church, who is traveling with the relic.
The church is wheelchair accessible.
The Holy See has issued a plenary indulgence available to all pilgrims who venerate Saint Jude’s relics. The Apostolic Penitentiary published the decree, Protocol Number 00471/2023-190/23/I. A plenary indulgence can be obtained when the usual requirements are fulfilled (see the document below for details). If a member of the faithful is unable to fulfill all the requirements of a plenary indulgence, he or she would receive a partial indulgence.
How to Gain Plenary Indulgence