We, the Senior Adult Ministry, embody our concern for the older adults (age 60 and older) through ministry collaboration, by working
together in order to offer our tender care, spiritual and moral support, that will bring fullness of life and love so will lead them to the path of a happier and holier life in their relationship with God.
Ministry Information
Gathering Specifics:
Member’s Gathering
Worship and Fellowship usually every second Friday of the month.
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Maher Hall (in the front & middle)
Advisory Committee Leaders virtual meeting via Zoom every first Tuesday of the month.
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Duration 1 1/2 hours
Join Zoom Meeting by using one of the 4-Methods below:
Method #2 Open Zoom App and enter the Meeting ID: 552 354 7716 and Passcode: rosary
Method #3 (no video, audio only): One tap mobile +16699009128,,5523547716#,,,,*738452# US (San Jose)
Method #4 (no video, audio only): Dial the number +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose), follow instruction enter the Meeting ID: 552 354 7716 and Passcode: 738452
Contact Information:
Ministry Coordinators: Gilbert and Zeny Ong, (909) 217-8526, zego1982@outlook.com
Asst. Ministry Coordinators and Secretary : Elmer and Vangie Bustos, (909) 996-1317, eyb331@msn.com
Zoom Manager/Facilitator: Vincent and Lulu Enverga, (909) 527-5734, vincentce@verizon.net