"In conjunction with the forthcoming Philippine Cultural Night (PCN) event on Saturday July 22nd, we are calling for ALL parishioners’ support by way of placing advertisements in our Souvenir Program featuring your family or business. The officers of the Filipino Catholics Ministry will be at the foyer of the Church this weekend after all the Masses. For details, please contact Bette Torres at 539-5881."
“The Filipino Catholic Ministry will be hosting the Philippine Cultural Night on Saturday, July 22nd which would showcase our children, youth and adults with our traditional folk dances and songs. We are inviting all of you and your family to participate in our biggest fundraising event of the year which would benefit our Church and the Ministry Center. We will be in the foyer of the Church this Sunday after Masses taking participant sign-ups for children, youth and adult of all ages.” Thank you.
"The Filipino Catholics Ministry Officers presented a check for $15,000 to Fr. Michael Sturn & Dcn Paul Von Ins on Sunday, August 7th at the 11:00 a.m. Mass that will go towards our Ministry Center. This amount was generated from our Santacruzan/Flores de Mayo event last May, 2016. Thank you again to all who participated/ supported/volunteered to this event."
Join us for “Simbang Gabi” every morning at 5:30 a.m. in the Church on Wednesday, December 16th through Thursday, December 24th. Simbang Gabi is a novena dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mother of God; we are celebrating the Motherhood of Mary and the birth of Christ.