The most powerful feeling at Easter Vigil was right after being baptized. I felt both, extremely excited and very calm at the same time. It felt good having a clean slate and beginning a new part of my journey and relationship with God.
The feeling I had on Easter Vigil was like I had been waiting for something for so long and I finally made it to that point or destination. Being fully submerged for those few seconds, everything was grace and serene. Coming out of the water was how I would imagine being born. You are cold and there are people around you and noise that wasn’t there 2 seconds ago. From there, it was PEACE & TRANQUILITY.
The RCIA Process has been an amazing journey. I felt welcomed from the very first day I inquired about the process even though classes had started weeks ago. The process sounded like a long time but looking back, this year has gone by in a flash. I look forward to attending RCIA each week and learning new things. I have learned so much this past year. Knowing that it will be a lifelong journey to learn and to know about God gives me peace.
My journey through RCIA and receiving the sacraments has changed my life little by little. The RCIA process has a steady rate and allowed me to take it in each week. In this way, I could more fully understand and implement some of the concepts taught.
We are looking for 4 to 5 fully initiated Catholics who would be interested in sponsoring an adult coming into the Catholic Church here at St. Paul through our RCIA process. You'll need to produce your Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation certificates and also be active in the life of our parish. This would be a great way to welcome and assist in the RCIA process while establishing a new friendship with one of our newest sisters or brothers in Christ. Contact Jerry Watson at (951)264-9790 or by e-mail for questions or information. God Bless!