Since we hear this weekend the story of how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana, I want to share with you some catechetical notes on the wine that is used at mass... "CLICK HERE"
Today, in a divided society and challenged by COVID-19, LOVE is what we need to rebuild the earth becomes heaven. COVID-19 cannot lockdown LOVE. Although there is “social distancing,” LOVE is visibly connecting every heart; although there is “stay home” guideline, LOVE is making every home a sanctuary of love; and although there is “facial mask wearing,” LOVE is a flying kiss flying around.
In today’s gospel, Jesus reveals our integrity and character as essential disciples in his kingdom, and what we can become in the world today. He describes us as: “You are a treasure buried in a field which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field!” (Mt 13:44)
Governor Newsom’s order is for us to “shelter in place.” There is only one letter difference between the instruction to “Shelter in place” and “Sheltering place.” That letter is “g!” “God” begins with a letter “g”. You add the letter “g” in to “Shelter in place,” and it will read “Sheltering place.” God is our “Sheltering place.”
Now, immersed in these challenging times of COVID-19, let’s cultivate our hearts to be the rich-soil-sacreddwellings of God’s Word. And God’s Word changes us to be the best version of ourselves; that is: our eyes see the best in the drifters; our hearts forgive the back stabbers, and our ears become bionic ears and listen to the stone-hearts, and with understanding melts them to become hearts of love.
And our time has come to REOPEN St. Paul the Apostle Church for public Masses last June 13th and June 14th. As we entered the Church’s courtyard, WELCOME signs greeted us. Although limited in number (100 attendees), this was the call of the time to be “reborn, rebuild and regather.” Opening slowly but surely, we have to abide with Diocesan Guidelines, State and County orders.
Today, as we come back in-person in the celebration of the Eucharist, let’s rebuild a sacred space of Christ’s body and blood in our hearts – so that we can concretely experience God’s real presence in our lives. When this happens, we are not far then from the words of Pope Francis, when he said: “Eat this sacred food, so that your bond of unity with Christ may never be broken. Drink this sacred blood, the price he paid for you, so that you may never lose heart because of your sinfulness.”
Today is HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY! It’s a celebration that invites us to live in the awareness of the presence of the TRIUNE GOD within us: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But it’s a MYSTERY! It’s one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity and the greatest MYSTERY of our faith.
PENTECOST SUNDAY! It’s the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus on EASTER. It’s commonly known as the Church’s “birthday!” And the “birthday” GIFT of Jesus to the Church is the Holy Spirit, he said: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them…”
Becoming missionaries to the world today is non-negotiable. We become as what Pope Francis tells the youth, when he said, “You are the spiritual seeds of our faith today, and the spiritual investments of our hope for tomorrow.”
Our love for everyone must be the same, as God’s love; because that love is still the love 2000 years ago – the same today and the same in heaven. It’s a love with all your mind, soul, strength, and with all your heart.
We listen to radio, watch TV, read newspapers, and engaged in conversations – by phones, emails, Facebook, Instagram, or even in gossips, and COVID-19 pandemic becomes the captivating news topic. COVID-19 is now a global phenomenon. And humanity is placed into the brink of misery.
Today’s gospel’s ending, Jesus heralds his gift to humanity: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” This is total self-giving. It’s enshrined in a mother’s loving heart...
COVID-19 has an expiration date, but the Risen Christ’s healing grace never ends. So, today, the Risen Christ walks with us in our Emmaus Easter Season journey. Hence, with hope and faith, we pray: “Risen Christ, promise us your healing love: for better or for worse and in sickness and in health so long shall we live. Amen.”
On this second Sunday of Easter and also Divine Mercy Sunday, when many countries around the world are threatened by the Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) and people are living in constant fear and anxiety, the gospel today handed to us the divine consolation with this greeting of Jesus to his disciples: “Peace be with you! The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. And he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit!”
The Resurrection lives in us! So, we’re not in LOCKDOWN anymore, but the Holy Easter People, joining the billion Catholics around the world, and joyfully singing: “Christ is risen! Alleluia!”
We all are called to love God and do the Father’s will, even when it is difficult. But love involves sacrifice—dying to self and making sacrifices for the one we love. We can use the example of Christ in the Garden to accept our crosses well.