This Fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally called Laetare Sunday. Similar to Gaudete on the Third Sunday of Advent, the term is the Latin equivalent for joy or rejoice. The Entrance Antiphon says it perfectly, “Rejoice (Laetare) Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.” Cf. Isaiah 66, 10-11.
This weekend, we begin the period of scrutiny for our three (3) Elects this year. For those who come to our 9:00 a.m. mass, you are aware of our friends whom we bless and send forth. Many are unaware though so let me take this chance to share with you the process (adapted from USCCB) these individuals go through in order to be received fully into the Catholic faith.
You are very well aware of what is happening in Ukraine. News channels give us gruesome scenes of explosions and attacks every day. Numerous innocent lives are lost. Cities, homes and properties are destroyed. People are displaced and are fleeing their country. Peace is gone. I am very sure that the anxiety that we feel when we watch the news is nothing compared to what the citizens of Ukraine feel on the ground.