Can you imagine the miracles that will happen to all of us if we could have the mutual recognition of God’s presence in each of us? So, the next time you see a friend, you tell them: “Friend, every time I see you, I see the Christ in you.” And hopefully, they’ll quickly reply, “It is the Christ in you that recognizes the Christ in me.”
Now is the favorable time to start walking as ONE LIFE, loving with ONE HEART and speaking with ONE VOICE: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. NO to death! YES to life! LIFE is sacred!
Let’s focus on the disciples’ question to Jesus: “Rabbi, where are you staying?” or maybe translated in this way, “Where is your home?” Let’s choose the question, “Where is your home?” because it might lead us to appreciate how important “home” is during Jesus’ time.