Carrying the cross – with hearts focused on the “Love of God” and “Love of Neighbor,” redirect our vision of delivering Christian service as: we look not for happiness but holiness; seek not being a celebrity but act with humility; build not personal fame but character; not seeking personal gains but building people’s faith in God.
Placing our faith in Christ is not a guessing game nor magic. It’s surrendering our will to God with Peter’s confession: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In other words, we are not afraid to say in public and in private: “In God we trust!”
Along our journey in life, many of us have experienced rejection and insult in one way or the other. We know that the impact is very dehumanizing and humiliating, but let our life’s spirit be like that of the Canaanite woman. That we become persistent and courageous in our approach to life’s challenges. At the end, Jesus might tell us: “Great is your faith! Let it be done to you as you wish.”
Today, we the Christians in this planet, we can change the image of our world. We are not factory defects, but completely God’s creation in his own image and likeness. Therefore, we have that divine dignity to hang on. Like Jesus, let’s be daring to stretch out our hands to a friend, family members, people in need, even to our enemies, and sincerely say the words, “I LOVE YOU!” or to assure them security and friendship, and say: “It is I; do not be afraid!”