At this time due to outbreak of Coronavirus-19, our faith-life has been impacted in great length. “In light of measures being taken to contain the outbreak and avoid further illness, many of us may be hesitant to leave our homes. In many areas, Mass and other church services may not be available. [But] it is at this time exact moment that our faith is most needed” (Bishop Barron’s words)
This Gospel reminds us that the way we see best, is through the eyes of faith, for then we see the world the way God sees it. But first we have to recognize that without Jesus, we are truly blind.
Jesus invites us in this Eucharistic table – our “well of encounter” today. He comes so close to us that we can see him with our own eyes, hear him with our own ears and touch him with our own hands. We become part of him; and he becomes a part of us, the God-within!
We tend to believe good times will last forever. While it's nice to be optimistic in that respect, we tend to worry that the bad times will last forever as well. The truth is that life is a series of contrasts—mountaintop experiences followed by deep valleys.
Friends, we’re like the two men on a camping trip, called: a passage of renewal in the SEASON OF LENT. However, fear hides us under a blanket of a desperate humanity immersed in a pathetic world of hopelessness.