Today, the CHURCH is celebrating “ALL SAINTS’ DAY!” The stories of the SAINTS’ lives remind us on how they faithfully and remarkably made and making Christ visible and relevant in our world today...
Beginning today, let our goal each day of our lives be this: to touch one’s life “with all our heart, soul, and with all our mind”. May this goal always be rooted in the commandments of: “Love of God and Love of Neighbor!”
At this time of year, as we encounter the changes of time and season, we will be readjusting our “In Person” weekend Mass Schedule. The revised schedule is noted HERE:
When Jesus hold the Roman coin, his question to the Pharisees was very revealing: “Whose image is this?” They answered, “Caesar’s.” With that answer came Jesus’ morally acceptable and noble instructions to the Pharisees, he said, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” This reply avoided a confrontation with the Pharisees, but rendered a teaching moment for the inquisitive mind and unbelieving heart.
Today, let’s join Jesus in this Eucharistic table by wearing the garment of “FRIEND-SHIP.” That is, “FRIENDS” sailing together in a “SHIP,” garbed with love not hatred, inclusion not exclusion, hope not despair, faith not doubt, peace not violence and life not death. Let us proclaim this week a “friend-ship” week!
Today, as we take our best shot in safeguarding the holiness of LIFE, let our battle cry for human dignity and the respect for life be: NO TO VIOLENCE, YES TO PEACE! NO TO DEATH, YES TO LIFE! LIFE IS SACRED, IT’S GOD’S GIFT!