When was the last time you experienced a situation that you thought, “there is no solution—it is impossible” Often we feel cornered by circumstances in life and that there is no possible way out. And yet, miraculously, things all end up working out, for our good. Today’s Gospel highlights Jesus’ love for his people as he makes a seemingly impossible task of feeding 5,000 people come to fruition with hardly any food to begin. Let’s work this week on placing our trust in God’s love for us.
Today with generosity’s impetus, let us build a Church where no one is so poor as to have nothing to give; a Church where no one is so rich as to have nothing to receive. Let us make a miracle today!
We are lost in the dense jungle of this world and are made for heaven. We all long to get there, but we encounter so many needs along the way. If we aren’t careful, searching to fill those needs can replace our true compass. Instead of focusing on searching for home, we can be consumed by never being hungry, cold, or lonely. When that happens, we end up living a life full of the shells of the things we are made for. Our true hunger and loneliness can’t be filled by this world. But God hasn’t left us alone in this jungle – he sent us his only Son to lead us home to him. Jesus is our true compass. He is our Good Shepherd. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
When hope and love envelop your hearts, life offers infinite possibilities. Then, tell yourself this: “I am SOMEBODY… because GOD don’t make no JUNK.” Yes, you are the beloved! God loves you very much. Always believe that when Jesus sees you, his heart will move with love – only for “you.”
Heroes in many stories are usually the strongest, the smartest, or the most beautiful people who conquer evil by overpowering it in some way. Even if the heroes don’t start out that way, a crucial part of the story usually consists of the hero getting stronger and preparing for battle. They know that everything is up to them.
Today, let us take our dollar bills and read aloud, “In God we TRUST!” Then use the dollar bills in buying refreshments for our “stranger guests!” and say with love, “welcome home!” “Mi casa es su casa!”
We have all been in need of something at some time— whether we needed to ask for a favor from someone or had an urgent need that had to be met. When it comes to asking God for things, what do we ask of him? Do we seek comfort, health, wealth, job security, or some other goal? Or, do we seek virtues like patience, humility, compassion, meekness, and so on? Let us turn to God and ask him to grant us the spiritual gifts we need, as we cooperate with his grace and learn to turn to him in all our human struggles.