We live in a fix-it society. Not only that, but we also live in a quick-fix society. We overlook character and virtue because they are not quick fixes. Both require time and effort. How does virtue become possible?
Our authentic self finds its identity in all things that are good, true, beautiful, and noble, while our ego is constantly making demands based on insecurity and building oneself up. Which self will you choose?
The striking thing about people of virtue—genuine virtue—is that whether we like them or dislike them as individuals, whether we agree with them or disagree with them ideologically, whether our personalities are compatible or not, we cannot help but respect them. There is simply nothing more attractive than virtue.
If you have ever been hiking in the mountains, you’ll know what a false summit is: when you reach a peak that appeared to be the pinnacle of the mountain but see that the true summit is even higher. False summits can cause hikers to give up, despairing of ever reaching their goal.
If we are sincere about wanting to improve ourselves and the world we live in, do we know what will bring about this progress? What is the simplest solution to the problems we face? What is the one thing that can bring about the most genuine progress in our lives and in society at large?
During this Second Sunday of Lent and Transfiguration Sunday, from your hearts – LOVE tenderly; PRAY sincerely; TRUST each other with faith. These LENTEN rituals will reflect the outside beauty of your inner self. Make this day a transfiguration day for you. But the question is, “Are you ready to change and be transformed?” It’s your move... and God will wait for you in eternity.
Click the image or Sign up by entering: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0844abae28a3f85-rosary1 ... All Confirmation Teens are invited to join us on Sunday, April 15th, from 1:30-5:00pm in Maher Hall for our Annual Rosary Working Retreat. We will be making missionary rosaries to send to Uganda, and we will be learning a little more about our Blessed Mother. This retreat is for 15-17 year old teens only, and counts for Parish Hours. Confirmation Teens that have their hours are still welcome to come! All teens in attendance will be entered in to a raffle for a chance to win a rosary blessed by Pope Francis. Any questions, please call or text Arlene Zonni at 626-926-4261.
In her wisdom, the Church gives us this reading at the beginning of Lent because Jesus is giving us an example of what the season of Lent is meant to be for us. Lent is a time to remember the reality of our life on earth. In the way that Lent prepares us for Easter, our life on earth is meant to prepare us for heaven—the eternal Easter. We are battling against evil in the desert of this world, with the hope of the resurrection on the other side. Lent draws us into this reality and prepares us for this battle.
Today is the FIRST SUNDAY of LENT! It started on ASH WEDNESDAY! There is a Lenten image on Ash Wednesday that ushered in a vital reference to our spiritual renewal during the SEASON of LENT. It is the CROSS marked on our foreheads, and accompanied by these words: “REPENT and BELIEVE in the GOSPEL!”