If you ask people what they want, they'll often say that they want a new car, a better job, a bigger house, or some other possession. But if you probe a little deeper, you'll find that they don't really want possessions. Rather, they desire a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of being loved and cherished.
In our gospel today, there are two values that Jesus wants us to hold in our hearts: Love and Hospitality. They compliment each other: Love enables hospitality to be energizing; and Hospitality makes love engaging! Both bring harmony in our life, and convey trust in our relationship.
Jesus was very clear about the cost of discipleship. It might entail family division, persecution, and even death. He didn't mince words when he talked about the hardships his followers would face. And yet, at the same time he says, "Do not be afraid." Isn't this a bit of a contradiction? Does it seem odd that Jesus warns us about future difficulties but then tells us not to worry?
Current events of our times, like: terrorism, wars and violence at home, in schools and in the streets push us to the world of fear. Fear has penetrated our inner lives, and sometimes it drives us into depression, even into death. Then we become fearful people, living in a fearful world.
When we receive Holy Communion, we hear the words, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood,” to which we dutifully answer, “Amen.” But have you ever considered exactly what those words mean?
Today is the solemnity of the BODY and BLOOD of Christ SUNDAY! In our spiritual experience and divine language, it is the EUCHARIST. It is the FIESTA OF OUR SALVATION enshrined in the Eucharistic Prayer: "This is my BODY…given up for you; this is the chalice of my BLOOD… poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins."
This week's readings highlight two of the key actions of God: first his love, and second, his giving. Through this we learn that love is an action, not a feeling, and that love is expressed in giving.
Today is TRINITY SUNDAY! And as we celebrate Trinity Sunday, we enter once more into the enchanting mystery of the BLESSED TRINITY. Our faith tells us that the mystery of the TRINITY is this: FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT – THREE PERSONS, yet ONE GOD.
This week we celebrate Pentecost, the feast of the Church’s birth. With a roaring of the heavens and in tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit comes and enlightens the Apostles. Peter begins to preach with boldness and authority what Christ’s life and Death truly means. From that moment, the great mission of the Church begins.
"In conjunction with the forthcoming Philippine Cultural Night (PCN) event on Saturday July 22nd, we are calling for ALL parishioners’ support by way of placing advertisements in our Souvenir Program featuring your family or business. The officers of the Filipino Catholics Ministry will be at the foyer of the Church this weekend after all the Masses. For details, please contact Bette Torres at 539-5881."