SAVE THE DATE (Sept 30th, Oct 1st & Oct 2nd)! LIKE TO HELP? Join us for a fun filled weekend. The following Chairpersons are needed: Security Chair. For more information, contact Jerry or Linda Kramer at 627-8287.
ATTENTION ALL Elementary Level classes as follows: 1st through 6th and all Older Sacrament levels (preparing for First Communion) for Grades 3rd-12th (including all Bilingual Spanish) Due to construction delays, the start date of these classes at the Ministry Center have been postponed from October 3rd to OCTOBER 17TH
What are you willing to give up to follow Jesus? That’s the question in today’s Gospel. Jesus proclaims that no one is worthy to be called His disciple unless he “hates” those people dearest to him, or renounces his possessions, takes up his cross and follows Jesus to wherever He leads (and if one is carrying a cross, then that led to only one place). We may try to qualify Jesus’ words, but they proclaim a great truth: there are no half-measures when following Jesus. He requires everything of us. Are we willing to say yes to that?