Once again it is St. Paul's privilege to host German Exchange students for a fun, fast paced, memorable experience. They are English speaking and take care of all of their own finances. Year after year they have proven to be amazing students. Our program is a non-profit program that has seen great community acceptance where the hearts of the host families and the students have been changed forever through the activities of these 4 short weeks. They are here from Saturday, July 23rd through Saturday, August 20th. See Mark & Teri Morgan in the Courtyard after Mass or contact 632-6736 for more information.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our former Parish Council Members: Gloria Livingston, Rick Jiao, Eleno Mayorquin and Anthony Valencia. Many thanks for all of your hard work and commitment to St. Paul’s Parish Council. We welcome our new Parish Council Board: Jim Dunkelman, President, Bob Hybki, Vice President, Liza Grotz, Secretary, Arthur Martinez, Ruben Avila and our newly elected board members Vincent Enverga, Andrea Leuken, and Joseph Mladinov. We look forward to having them represent our community and your interests. May they be empowered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and use their unique gifts to minister to one another. -Fr. Romy
We would like to thank all those who attended our 1st Mass on the Grass. We had about 400 people attend and enjoy a BBQ and walk through our completed buildings. We still have a way to go to finish our project. Please continue your prayers and financial support as we look forward to opening our Preschool, Elementary Religious Education and some Ministry Meetings in September. Click to view photos...
We are currently in need of a chairperson(s) for our Christmas Angel Tree Program. Angel Tree provides Christmas toys and gifts to the children of over 150 families in need in our community. These children need an angel! Please prayerfully consider helping to bless them with the joy they deserve. For more information, contact Arlene Zonni at 626-926-4261.
The Item-of-the-Month for June and July is Open Donations. Summer is upon us and it is a perfect time to go through your home and garage for any items you may not need.