When we think of the story of Christmas, we usually think of the "infancy narrative" of Luke's Gospel: Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, no room in the inn, Jesus laid in the manger, angels, and shepherds. This is the familiar account of Christ's birth, and we are surrounded by reminders of it during the Christmas season—songs and stories and images.
On behalf of myself, Fr. Michael, Fr. Joseph, Dcn. Paul, Dcn. Pat, Dcn. Tony, Tacie and the Parish Staff wishing you and your families a Joyous Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year filled with Mercy!
It's easy to lose sight of the real story of the Magi amidst the figurines, the television renditions, and the carols about the three "oriental kings." This study looks at the biblical account and gives a proper context for a truly meaningful celebration of joy through sacrificial giving. Presented by Dr. Tim Gray.
With the many distractions that bombard us daily, how can we stay focused and watch for Christ during Advent? This study explores the Nativity narrative in Luke’s Gospel that serves as a vivid example of how to prepare our hearts with true humility so that "watching" for Jesus is an active reality. Presented by Dr. Edward Sri.
Are you feeling the call to share your time & talents? The various Ministries here at Saint Paul the Apostle are a wonderful way to give back to your Parish Community. Please review the back of the Bulletin for a list of all the Ministries available to you.
Long before an angel appeared to a young girl named Mary, the need for the angel's message was firmly established in history. At the start of Creation, mankind had rebelled, choosing to trust something other than their Creator, bringing sin and death into the world. So how does that event connect to a young virgin and a startling visit from a celestial being? This study explains. Presented by Brigid DeMoor.
Click to find the EOC quarterly newsletter, with information of value for the holiday season. Protect your family …practice safety tips for all your holiday activities and decorations.
In our gospel during this second SUNDAY of ADVENT, John the Baptist made this invitation to all of us: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand… Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.”