“Parish Survey” completed by the Parish Transition Team on July 1, 2015 is finally here. My sincerest apology for not publishing it in a timely manner. The
six (6) general summary of areas of concernsthat needed imperative attention then were (and still on going are):
(1) Parish and Religious Education Administration;
(2) Finances;
(3) Ministry Center;
(4) Priests;
(5) Ministries;
(6) Hispanic Ministry.
When I was assigned as Pastor in July 1, 2015, Bishop Barnes’ appointment letter provided me a conscious pastoral direction, it says:
“As a Church, we are invited by Pope Francis ‘to rediscover the meaning of the mission entrusted to her by the Lord on the day of Easter: to be a sign and an instrument of the Father’s mercy’”.
With that pastoral direction, I pastorally took upon myself those
six (6) general areas of concerns and reflected on them in the lens of the Parish’s Mission Statement, which states:
“We, the St. Paul the Apostle Catholic faith community, baptized into Jesus Christ, formed by Word and Sacrament, and empowered by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seek to be the visible signs of God’s love.
“We seek to build the Kingdom of God by: using our unique gifts to minister to one another, welcoming all and caring for those in need, teaching our faith to others and uniting in worship as a family with the Body of Christ.”
It’s a long Mission Statement, but I focused myself on the very hope-filled part of it:
“visible signs of God’s love”.
Now, I am presenting to you the general
six (6) areas of concerns from the
“2015 Transition Team Parish Survey”and the
responses to the concerns. The
responses might not be complete but we are ever more engaging ourselves to seeking a better journey to achieving our vision of becoming
“visible signs of God’s love”. Please, click ->
“TRANSITION TEAM PARISH SURVEY 2015” and some of the appropriate attached pieces of information.