In the Gospel last Sunday, Jesus summoned the Twelve and sent them forth in pairs. He gave them instructions for the journey. They could take nothing with them except a staff, sandals and only one tunic. They could take neither money nor bread, nor could they have a knapsack.Today, they rejoin Jesus, and they tell him all they had done and taught.
You may have heard of the announcement last weekend about my election as the Vicar Provincial of our religious community – the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette,Mother of Hope Philippine Province. As a brief backgrounder, our community is led and animated by a council of three members – the Provincial Superior, the Vicar Provincial and the Councilor. The council is the decision making body of our community. All members of the community, through the delegates to the Chapter, vote for its composition. I have been voted upon to serve for a term of three years.
It is an honor to be voted upon by my fellow La Salette Missionaries. After all, these are the people who formed me, journeyed with me in the seminary, and the people whom I respect and look up to. However, it also means that, by virtue of our Rule of Life, I would need to fulfill the responsibility back in my home country – the Philippines. This is where the seat of our Province is, and I need to be where the seat is.
Three years ago, I was also voted upon to be part of the council as the Councilor. Since we were still in the time of pandemic, although already at the tail end, I was allowed to continue my ministry at St. Paul while I was serving myterm as a Councilor. Technically, it was not supposed to be the case. I am thankful for the graciousness of my superiors because those three years allowed me to create wonderful memories with you and set new paths for the great parish I have been serving for nine (9) years now.
Just like the disciples who were sent forth by Jesus and now are rejoining Jesus, I was also sent forth and I now need to rejoin my community, bringing with me all the learnings I have gained and ready to bring in new perspective and fresh vigor to the community that will continue to send forth missionaries. I am filled with sadness because I am leaving; with anxiety because I will start again; and with fear because I am taking on new responsibilities. But I am at peace because I trust that the Lord knows better, and he will surprise me with beautiful things beyond my imagination, as I have proven many times in the past.
I assure you that I will work with the Diocese of San Bernardino and with my religious community in looking for shepherds who will continue the work we have begun.I will share them with you when they become final. I ask that you pray for our parish and be trustingly open to and excited about the new possibilities that this transition will bring – possibilities that are equally beautiful, if not greater. St. Paul, pray for us. Amen.