I had a growing desire to teach about Jesus. Something inside my heart said, “Do it.” Then I said to myself, “I am not a teacher. I am not familiar with scripture. I don’t feel like I know enough about my Catholic faith to be a catechist. ”That was four years ago. This year will be my fifth year teaching. I have taught two of my three children and many other children who have made this journey so rewarding and exciting. So, if you are not a teacher, if you don’t know scripture too well, if you feel you need to learn the faith more, don’t worry. Say yes to being a catechist (that’s a religious education teacher) if you desire it. I believe God makes you desire what He wants to give you. As you teach, you will learn and you may see yourself hungry for more. St. Paul’s Catechetical Ministry provides you with free lessons on theology and other topics prior to the beginning of classes. They will provide you with the necessary tools, supplies and texts to guide you through your lessons. Don’t be surprised if you get hooked on Jesus and Mary, the saints or scripture. It happened to me. Becoming a catechist helped me rediscover the treasures of Catholicism. It has taken me to know Jesus and fall more deeply in love with him by understanding him and not just knowing about him. I treasure this opportunity because I didn’t have this when I was preparing for my First Communion. All I had to do was learn my prayers, and Confirmation came quickly with little preparation. The catechesis taught to our children at St. Paul builds a foundation for the Catholic faith. Becoming a teacher for young children who are preparing for their First Communion or for the teens preparing for Confirmation is very rewarding. It is a journey for both catechists and students. It is the answer to our baptismal promise of becoming His disciple and teaching His word. Don’t think about it too much. If you want it, do it! Trust in God. Let him guide you and may Our Blessed Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit help you say “Yes!”