The logo for this year’s Harvest Festival bears elements worthy of knowing and reflecting on. The first is the theme itself, “Taste and See that the Lord is Good” taken from Psalm 34, 9. King David, the author of the Psalms, invites readers to try and experience the goodness of the Lord as he had done. He outlines examples of God’s goodness: He provides abundant good gifts (v.11), He rescues them from all their afflictions (v. 18), He saves those whose spirit is crushed (v. 19), and He redeems the souls of his servants (v.23).
David comes from his personal experiences of challenges and difficulties. In 1 Samuel, we see that the current King Saul got envious with David’s success that he tried to kill him. David fled for his life and reached Gath. When he got recognized by the people, he slobbered on his beard and acted insane to save his life. It worked. David cried for help, and the Lord heard him and delivered him.
David testifies to the goodness of the Lord. He invites us to experience the same. This explains “the path” leading to the Church. The path is inviting. The design connotes movement – a movement of getting closer to the Lord and experiencing how good God is.
The path leads to the Harvest Festival, to the Church, and to the Eucharist (Do you see the Body of Christ in the logo?). The joy that we experience through the festival is a gift from our good God. The beautiful Church that we have the privilege of worshipping in is a gift from our good God. Ultimately, the Eucharist is the most beautiful gift God has given us. God is so good that He allows us to experience heaven here on earth, that is, the Eucharist.
Just like King David, let us invite others, our family, friends and everyone we know, to taste and see that the Lord is good.