In one of the meditations of Pope Francis, he mentioned about God who loves surprises. “Of this God,” he said, “our Father who always surprises us: the God of surprises… a God who moves our heart, a God who is in the Church and walks with us; and he always surprises us in this path… justas he has the creativity to create the world, so he has the creativity to create new things everyday… for he is the God who surprises.” (Morning Meditation of Pope Francis,May 8, 2017)
We are now in the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and we might be surprised because days had passed so swiftly and just a couple of days more and it’s Christmas! Some might not even have completed yet the long lists of ‘need to do tasks’ and ‘need to buy things.’ Surprisingly, no matter how we arrange accurately and efficiently our tasks and everything that must be done, we still think something is missing. And sometimes, surprise among surprises, we realize that what we have missed is something unexpectedly much more important than the others. And this is how our God works, he surprises us with events and situations we seldom do not give much attention to.
The readings this Fourth Sunday of Advent are full of God’s surprises. In the First reading from the Book of Micah,Bethlehem was too small to be among the clans of Judah,but beyond its being unremarkable, from it, the one who is tobe ruler of Israel shall come forth and he shall stand firm and shepherd his flock with the might of God. In the Second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, from Jesus’ birth and incarnation geared up towards his obedience on the cross,we are sanctified and made holy and through that offering of his body, a sacrifice has been offered once and for all.
In the Gospel, Mary went in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth upon learning that God had surprised them with Zechariah by bearing a child despite their old age. Upon hearing the greeting of Mary, the infant in Elizabeth’s womble apt for joy, the surprise visitor turned out to be the one being surprised as Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit uttered, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Mary might have been in great awe ass he has not mentioned anything yet to Elizabeth and that even the infant in her womb leapt for joy! “How this happen to me that the mother of my Lord should come me?”
We often might think that God would act the way we know him or according to the world’s logic. But the way God reveals himself to the world, the way he reveals his power over the world, the way he came into the world and dwelt among us is something beyond the world’s logical thinking.“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways are my ways, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Yes, God is full of surprises and loves to surprise us. Having this in mind would lead us to be hopeful for the best even when sometimes things get rough and tough. Maybe, the next time God makes another surprise, it would be for YOU and that would be your greatest surprise gift for Christmas.