Jose Bermudez
Teresa Dang
We Need YOUR Help!!
We are in need of more WHAM Ministers to serve during our liturgical celebrations. WHAM's are essential for each Mass as we welcome, assist those with needs, answer questions, collections, direct the flow during Communion, attend to situations and distribute bulletins.
In the Gospels, Christ calls each of us to be bound one to another, in both love and service. This call is echoed in many of the Scripture passages found in the New Testament (e.g., the Letters of St. Paul (Ephesians, Galatians, etc.), the First Letter of St. Peter, etc.). We ask that you prayerfully consider just how God is calling you, to place your own unique gifts and talents at the service of the wider community of faith.
We ask that you be in at least 18 years of age and be willing to serve where and when needed. Training is available. Please contact: Jose Bermudez at 909-851-3185 or Teresa Dang at 559-281-8346 (text or call) if you are interested in joining this Ministry.
Click on Diocese Office of Worship above for formation calendar.