s899 - 10000 Reasons / Redman Myrin Emi Christian music p 2011
s903 - 40 Days / Matt Maher
s049 - Above All / LeBlanc/Baloche Integrity’s Hosanna!
s721 - Agnus Dei / M Smith Milene Music
s831 - Alive Again / Matt Maher
s878 - All Creatures of Our God and King / David Crowder Band
s747 - All I ask of You / Benedictine Foundati
s896 - All I Need is You / Marty Sampson Hillsong Publishing 2004
s920 - All Is Well With My Soul / Carey Landry 2008
s815 - Amazing Grace / (My Chains Are Gone John Newton, Chris
s857 - Amazing Grace / (My Chains Are Gone John Newton worshiptogether.com
s700 - Amazing Love / Billy James Foote Worshitogether.com
s679 - Arms of Love / Craig Musseau Vineyard Publishing
s066 - As It Is In Heaven / Cash & Maher
s905 - Awaken Me Jesus / Coulture
s034 - Be With Me Lord / T Booth SpiritAndSongs.com
s875 - Beautiful / Phil Wickham Phil Wickham Music 2007
s837 - Beautiful One / Tim Hughes Thankyou Music
s867 - Beautiful Things / Michael & Lisa Gung
s745 - Beauty of Simplicity / Josh White Touch The Sun Music
s712 - Better is One Day / Matt Redman Kingsway’s Thankyou
s910 - Beyond the Days
s744 - Blessed Be Your Name / B&M Redman Kingsway's Thankyou
s045 - Body and Blood / Phil Arkfeld
s915 - Bread of Life / Bobby Fisher 1994
s051 - Breathe Marie Barnett Mercy / Vineyard Pub
s913 - Bring Flowers
s907 - Broken / Vessels Houston
s902 - Burning In My Soul / Matt Maher
s843 - Came To My Rescue / Hillsong Publications
s846 - Cannons / Phil Wickham Seems Like Music 2007
s065 - Canticle of Zechariah / Maher & Le
s909 - Change In Hearts
s682 - Christ has Died Mass of a Joyful Hea
s895 - Christ is Enough / Reuben Morgan & J Hillsong Publishing 2012
s898 - Close / Aodhan King & Dean Hillsong Publishing 2013
s043 - Come Holy Spirit / Stephan Dean OCP Publications
s714 - Come Into His Presence / Lynn Baird Higher Praise
s728 - Come into His Presence / Lynn Baird Higher Praises
s782 - Come to Jesus / Chris Rice Clumsy Fly Music
s919 - Come To the River / Bob Hurd 1994
s039 - Come,Now Is the Time to Worship / B Doerkson Vineyard Songs
s900 - Cornerstone / Hillsong United
s680 - Draw Me Close / Kelly Carpenter Mercy/Vineyard Publi
s260 - Eagle’s Wings / Reuben Morgan Hillsong Publishing
s061 - Eagle’s Wings / Reuben Morgan Hillsong Publishing
s256 - El Shaddai Card/Thompson Whole Armor Pub
s743 - Enough / Chris Tomlin Sixsteps Music
s056 - Everlasting God / Brenton Brown & Ke
s732 - Exodus XV F Gallio Mercy / Vineyard Pub
s893 - Fire Fall Down / Matt Crocker
s048 - Forever / Chris Tomlin Worshiptogether
s715 - Forever / Chris Tomlin worshiptogether.com
s806 - From The Inside Out / Joel Houston Hillsong United
s734 - Give us Clean Hands / C Hall Generation Music
s897 - Glorious Ruins / Matt Crocker & Joel Hillsong Publishing 2012
s038 - Go Make a Difference / Steve Angrisano and SpiritAndSong.com
s847 - God Is Able / Ben Feilding & Reub Hillsong Music Publish 2010
s708 - God of Wonders / M Byrd New Spring Publishing
s916 - Good Good Father / Chris Tomlin
s057 - Grace Like Rain / Collins, Excell, Newt Ardent/Koala Music
s816 - Grace Like Rain / John Rees Ardent/Koala Music
s835 - Happy Day / Tim Houghes & Ben Thankyou Music
s678 - Heart of Worship / Michael W Smith Thankyou Music
s053 - Here I am to Worship / T. Hughes Thankyou Music
s692 - Here in your Presence / Don Moen Integrity Music
s786 - Holy is the Lord / Chris Tomlin sixsteps Music
s904 - Holy Spirit / Townsend Getty
s054 - Holy,Holy / Raul Sandoval
s823 - Hosanna
s826 - Hosanna / Brook Fraser Hillsong Publications
s817 - Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) / Paul Baloche & Bren Integrity's Hosanna M
s783 - How great is our god / Chris Tomlin Worshiptogether.com
s820 - How He Loves Us
s784 - Hungry / Kathryn Scott Vineyard Songs
s710 - I Could Sing Your Love Forever / M Smith Curious Music
s921 - I Give You My Heart / Morgan 1995
s858 - I Lift My Hands / Chris Tomlin
s012 - I Sing Praises / Terry MacAlmon Integrity’s Hosanna!
s255 - I Surrender All / Michael W.Smith Smitty Music/World
s050 - I Want To Know You (In The Secret) / Andy Park Mercy/Vineyard Publi
s886 - I will Follow / Chris Tomlin
s746 - I Will Sing / M. Francisco
s772 - Indescribable / L. Story TOO MANY
s918 - It Is Well / Kristene DiMarco
s701 - It is You / Newsboys
s824 - Jesus Draw Me Close / Rick Founds
s733 - Jesus, Lover of my Soul / P Oakel Kingsway's Thank you
s769 - Just Like You / Matt Maher
s722 - Just Like You / M Maher spiritandsong.com
s063 - Lay It Down / Matt Maher
s801 - Lay It Down / Matt Maher
s845 - Lead Me to the Cross / Brooke Fraser Hillsong Music Publish 2006
s827 - Lead Us To The Water / Tom Kendzia & Gary
s711 - Let Everything That Has Breath / M Redman Thank-you Music
s694 - Let It Rise / Holland Davis Maranatha Praise
s047 - Let the Redeemed / John Barnett Mercy/Vineyard Publi
s742 - Let the River Flow / Darrell Evans Mercy/Vineyard publi
s885 - Like an Avalanche / Hillsong United
s006 - Lord I Lift Your Name On High / R Founds Maranatha! Music
s866 - Lord I Need You / Matt Maher
s803 - Love Is Here
s819 - Love Resonate Love Resonate
s261 - Made to Worship / Chris Tomlin
s840 - Marvelous Light / Charlie Hall EMI CMG Publishing
s840 - Marvelous Light / Charlie Hall EMI CMG Publishing 2005
s064 - Mighty to Save / Fielding & Morgan Hillsong Publishing
s802 - Mighty To Save / Hillsong United
s052 - More Love, More Power / J Del Hierro Mercy / Vineyard Pub
s750 - My Desire / Jeremy Camp Thirsty Moon River Pu
s709 - My Glorious / M Smith Curious Music
s035 - My Life Is In You Lord / D Gardner Integrity’s Hosanna!
s841 - None But Jesus / Hillsong Publications
s841 - None But Jesus / Brooke Fraser Hillsong Music Publish 2006
s775 - Ocean Floor / Cissell Up in the Mix Music
s901 - Oceans / Hillsong United
s749 - Oh Praise Him / David Crowder Thirsty Moon River Pu
s922 - One Thing Remains / Johnson 2010
s040 - Open the Eyes of My Heart / Paul Baloche Integrity's Hosanna!
s832 - Our God / Redman, Myrin, To Thankyou Music
s836 - Our Love Is Loud / David Crowder Sixsteps Music
s912 - Panis Angelicus / Cesar Franck
s842 - Power Of Your Love / Geoff Bullock World Music
s807 - Prepare The Way / Charlie May
s751 - Prepare the Way / Charlie May
s726 - Prince of Peace / M Imboden Imboden Music
s859 - Remembrance / Matt Maher
s849 - Revelation Song / Jennie Lee Riddle Gateway Create Publi 2004
s044 - Salvation Belongs to our God / Adrian Howard and
s908 - Sanctuary Vineyard
s773 - Sea of Faces Sprinkle Thirsty Moon River Pu
s062 - Set Me As A Seal / Matt Maher
s877 - Set Me As A Seal / Matt Maher spiritandsong.com 2003
s254 - Sing Out Bache/Kerr Integrity’s Hosanna
s906 - Sinking Deep / King Davies
s257 - Spirit And The Bride / Tom Dickson Mercy/Vineyard Publi
s779 - Test My Faith
s844 - The Everlasting / Fellowship Church Creality Publishing
s713 - The Heart of Worship / Matt Redman Thankyou Music
s848 - The Lost Are Found / Ben Fielding & Sam Hillsong Music Publish 2010
s814 - The Stand / Joel Houston
s914 - This Bread That We share / Dominic McAller 1989
s720 - This is my Desire / R Morgan Hillsong Publishing
s702 - Trading my Sorrows / Darrell Evans Integrity’s Hosanna!
s854 - Unchanging / Chris Tomlin
s511 - Under the Waterfall / Mickey Finn Mercy/Vineyard Publi
s771 - Unfailing Love / Chris Tomlin WAY TOO MANY
s727 - We are One Body / Dan Scallio Heartbeat Music
s693 - We Remember You
s860 - With Everything / Joel Houston Hillsong Music Publish 2008
s911 - You Alone
s725 - You Are My All in All / D Jernigan Shepherd’s Heart Mus
s700 - You Are My King / Billy James Foote Worshiptogether.com
s735 - You are Worthy of my Praise / P Ruis Maranatha! Music
s917 - You Hold Me Now / Hillsong United
s894 - You Hold Me Now / Hillsong United Hillsong Publishing
s699 - You Shine / Brian Doerksen Vineyard Songs Canad
s830 - You'll Come / Hill Song Publications
s774 - Your Grace is Enough / Maher spiritandsong.com
s876 - your Love is Extravagant / Darrell Evans Integrity's Hosanna! 1998
s872 - Your Love Never Fails / Jesus Culture