We have all been in need of something at some time— whether we needed to ask for a favor from someone or had an urgent need that had to be met. When it comes to asking God for things, what do we ask of him? Do we seek comfort, health, wealth, job security, or some other goal? Or, do we seek virtues like patience, humility, compassion, meekness, and so on? Let us turn to God and ask him to grant us the spiritual gifts we need, as we cooperate with his grace and learn to turn to him in all our human struggles.
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They shall know that a prophet has been among them (Ezekiel 2:2-5)
Ezekiel was a prophet in the land of Babylon during the time when Jehoiachin, king of Judah, was a captive there. This reading tells of his call to prophesy. It’s a diffi cult task, but notice that he has help. Jeremiah is assured repeatedly that his audience is rebellious, but his job is to be faithful, not necessarily successful. The people may or may not accept him, but he must be what God has called him to be. God’s mercy is evident in this reading. Despite the repeated rejection of his people, he continues to send them warnings. He wants them to hear his word.
The malady of stubbornness is not confined to Ezekiel’s audience. Looking ahead to the Gospel, we will find Jesus also being rejected by people who rebel against the idea of his authority. It saddens, but does not deter Jesus.
How dangerous the attitude of rebellion can be! It can shut us off from the voice of God. Let us ask God for the grace of submission to his will. Let us especially ask Mary, perfect in submission, to share with us her humble heart.
I am content with weaknesses and hardships for the sake of Christ (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)
Saint Paul’s words show us that even the most faithful experience trials. His response is worthy of our imitation. He prays with perseverance for deliverance and receives an answer. It is not the precise answer he is looking for, but he listens. “My grace is suffi cient for you.” In trusting that response from God, Paul receives a greater strength than he had originally asked for. “Power is made perfect in weakness.” He accepts that the essential thing is to allow God to work in him in all circumstances.
This passage brings to mind a much later saint, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Her “little way” of confidence and love included being undisturbed even by her weakness and sins. This was not from selfcomplacency, or because she thought sin was not so bad, but rather because she recognized how terribly weak she was. She saw that God would have to do everything for her, and she trusted that he would.
We must not indulge in our weaknesses, but we must not be dragged down by them either. Instead, we can use the times when we fail to thank God for his mercy. We accept his mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and in the other means of grace. And we believe that God can use the offering of our weakness in the same way that he used the offering of Christ, for the salvation of the world. When we are weak, we are most strong.
The people said: "Where did this man get all this? Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary?" (Mark 6:1-6)
This week’s Gospel contrasts sharply with the miracles of faith from Jairus and the hemorrhaging woman we read about last Sunday. These people have known Jesus all his life, and the fact that they are surprised by Jesus’s deeds testifi es to his humility. Though God, he remained for years an undistinguished member of his community. Only when the Father’s plan ordained it did he begin to work miracles. But this does not win over his neighbors from Nazareth. Because of their familiarity with Jesus, they are irritated when he begins to show his mighty power.
This Gospel is warning for all. When it comes to faith, especially for lifelong Christians, it is possible to think that we have Jesus all figured out. When this happens, we become upset when he diverges from our expectations. This might be when he asks for faith during a major change in our lives, or when something small occurs and throws off our daily routine. Whenever we experience disappointment or disillusionment, Jesus wants us to trust him. Our plans and our ideas about how God should act must not be the object of our trust. To avoid this pitfall, it can be wise to spend some time examining what our idea of Jesus is, and to pray to know him as he truly is. And as always, the one who can help us best to appreciate Jesus is his Mother
After the refl ections, we are inspired to ask God for the gift of virtue in our lives. While it is true that God will grant us the virtues we need, this won’t happen as though by magic. Virtues are good habits; this means that they will take time and effort to acquire. For example, if you are asking for the gift of patience, you will probably still be frustrated in rush hour traffi c, when you fi nd a mess that someone left, or the baby won’t stop crying. Rather, God grants you the grace to turn to him in that moment of weakness, and he will offer you the strength you need to persevere. As you pray for the spiritual gifts, be patient with yourself, ask for God’s grace, and remember to rejoice in your weaknesses and continue to get back up when you fall.
This week’s readings challenge us to be people of faith, seeking after spiritual gifts and virtues rather than focusing on worldly blessings. Take some time to examine your own heart. Are you motivated to seek Christ in order to obtain wealth, health, popularity, or prosperity? Or, are you seeking after a life of virtue that will bring you intimacy with God, despite the trials you may face along the journey?
What holds you back from having faith in God? What attachments cause you to lose focus of spiritual goods? Do you make time to read and accept the Word of God in your life?
As you refl ect on your relationship with God and where you have great faith and where you need his grace, make a commitment this week to read his Word and refl ect on it for fi fteen minutes before you start your day each morning. Allow his words to guide you as you begin to seek after spiritual goods rather than worldly successes.