Weekend and Holy Day Mass Schedule :
4:00pm – Livestream Mass (English)
5:00pm – Courtyard Mass
6:30pm – Livestream Mass (Spanish)
7:00am – Courtyard Mass
9:00am – Livestream Mass and VCL [Vehicle Communion Line]
1:00pm - Courtyard Mass Spanish
3:00pm – Courtyard Mass
5:00pm – Courtyard Youth Mass
Reserve you seat through our Eventbrite seating system. The reservation system enables us to have immediate contact tracing should the need arise. It also ensures that we do not exceed the maximum number of people for each mass and we will not have to “turn anyone away” from attending the Mass since their seat is already reserved. NOTE: If for some reason you will not be able to attend the Mass, please be considerate and cancel your reservation, so that someone else may attend the Courtyard Mass.
♦ The Vehicle Communion Line is a direct continuation of the 9:00 a.m. Livestream Mass. In order to receive Communion (Eucharist), you MUST:
♦ Have already received your First Communion
♦ Have participated fully and completely in the 9:00 a.m. Livestream Mass (i.e., watched and responded throughout the Livestream Mass)
♦ Be in a state of grace Meet the Eucharistic Fast requirements (e.g., no food or beverages for 1 hour before you receive the Eucharist. Noted exception: water and medication)
♦ All cars will enter through Gate #1 on Boys Republic Drive. You will NOT be parking, but simply entering into the Vehicle Communion Line. Please follow the directions of all Guidance Ministers as they direct you to one of the Communion distribution points.
♦ Please be aware that you will be exiting your vehicle in order to receive Communion (unless you have great difficulty walking).
♦ Please be aware that there is NO “upper age limit.” If you meet all of the above requirements and you are in good health (i.e., have no symptoms of illness – such as fever, cough, etc.), you are welcome to receive communion.
♦ In keeping with Diocesan guidelines, at this time, Communion will be given in the hand only. Finally, we ask that you bring hand sanitizer with you and make sure that everyone in the vehicle is wearing a face mask that completely covers your nose and mouth.