Please remember that, at this time, we can only have a maximum of 100 people present at any one time (which includes the ministers). Even though we cannot have everyone physically present at the celebration of the Mass, at this time, Bishop Barnes’ dispensation is still in effect.
For those who decide not to attend Mass at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church physically, we encourage you to participate in our livestreamed Masses. St. Paul livestreams two Masses every Saturday at 4 p.m. English and 6:30 p.m. Spanish. Also, Mass every weekday at 8:00 a.m. We livestream via our YouTube Channel and Facebook page. For information about everything that's happening at St. Paul.
For now, and in order to comply with State regulations, as well as our own Diocesan directives, the following will be observed by everyone:
As we slowly begin this process of heading back to normal, there will be many, MANY changes that everyone must follow, so that we can continue to move forward and eventually find ourselves back to enjoying a fully gathered community of faith.
Please be aware that these modifications are temporary, and will continue to change as we journey forward.
Click here to reserve seats for Masses.