For baptism scheduling:
The Baptism Registration Form is available in the Parish Office during our regular business hours and is also availabe in the foyer of the Church or click on Baptism Registration Form to print pdf forms - Baptism Registration Form (English)
(click link above)
It is a first come, first served process. Your child’s original County Birth Certificate is required at the time of registration.
Each Parent and Each Godparent are required to complete a Baptism Preparation Class separately and obtain a class certificate which you will need to bring at the time of registration. The Pre-Baptism classes are ONLY offered online at
A Sponsorship Eligibility form is required for each Catholic Sponsor. Godparent/Sponsor Forms are included in the Baptismal Registration Form Packet. This form is an affidavit that affirms that the Godparent(s) is/are baptized and Confirmed Catholic, living a Catholic faith and in good standing. A Sponsorship Eligibility form is required for each Catholic Sponsor.
PARENTS: Please call the Parish Office for the current available baptism dates. Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm. 909-465-5503.