-Dcn. Chris Sandner
For Catholics the very word “Communion” holds very deep and heartfelt meanings, in both reality and imagination. Our call to Eucharistic renewal is for both the already devoted and those seeking to experience, perhaps for the first time, why “going to Communion” should be at the center of every Catholic’s life. Better yet, every person’s life.
Deacon Chris Sandner is from the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region. From 2016-2022 he was Regional Assistant to Bishop Robert Barron and continues to serve in this role to newly appointed Bishop Slawomir Szkredka. He has directed the RCIA program at St. Mark’s University Parish at U.C. Santa Barbara for 15 years. His unique experiences working with college students and young adults will contribute to his talk and show why “some of his best friends are half his age”
-Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz
Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You, You Take Care of Everything: The Incarnation invites and challenges us to live in our family, church, and world with a more thoughtful generosity born of love. As we continue in this season of Advent, we can contemplate how we respond in our daily lives to God’s gift of Himself to the world.
Sr. Rose Marie is a Sister of Notre Dame, an educator, photographer, author, spiritual director, and advocate for the poor. She holds a Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology and Ministry from Boston College and completed graduate work in the Art of Spiritual Direction from Loyola Marymount University.
-Fr. Sebastian Walshe
The doctrine of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist is taught by Jesus himself and clearly laid out in Sacred Scripture. Moreover, it was the clear and constant belief of the early Church. This talk will explain the teaching of the Church about Jesus' Real Presence; argue that it is clearly found in Scripture; and cite the writings of the Fathers of the Church who believed and taught what we believe today.
Fr. Sebastian Walshe is a Norbertine Canon of the Abbey of St. Michael in the Diocese of Orange, California, where he is a professor of philosophy for the seminary program. He has studied at Thomas Aquinas College in California, Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas at Rome and holds Masters in Sacred Theology and a Doctorate in Philosophy.